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We work to MCS approved standards

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How to determine the appropriate solar array size to install?

One of the key questions that most people will ask during their research of solar is how do I calculate the system size I need. There are various methods, here we will share the approach that is currently taken by MCS standards organisation


(MCS – Micro-generation Certification Scheme). MCS they create and maintain the standards for installers and their installations in this UK and they also own the certification scheme (for insurance purposes etc make sure that your installers are accredited under MCS). In summary the MCS steps are as follows:


​1.    Establish the electrical rating of the PV array in kilowatts peak (kWp)
2.    Determine the postcode region
3.    Determine the array pitch
4.    Determine the array orientation
5.    Lookup kWh/kWp (kK) from the appropriate location specific table
6.    Determine the shading factor (SF) Using shade factor procedure.


Contact one of our specialists to arrange a free consultation.








UK Solar Regions: As per MCS Shade Evaluation 

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